Dr. Rebecca Poole's Flute Studio

Rebecca Poole is an active freelance flutist and music educator. She teaches private lessons, masterclasses and workshops, and directs several flute ensembles, including the Austin Youth Flute Choir. On the private lesson faculty at Westwood High School and at Walsh Middle School in Round Rock ISD, Rebecca also maintains a thriving private home and online studio. Her aim is to help students discover their own solutions, finding real-life strategies to break down any challenge into manageable pieces. As a result, Rebecca has also developed performance clinics to help young musicians prepare for and achieve positive audition experiences. Ms. Poole holds a DMA and a master’s degree from the University of Houston, and a bachelor’s degree from Stephen F. Austin State University.

When she isn't "fluting," Dr. Poole enjoys crafting, reading, and spending time with her husband Matt and dog Shelby.